Time to check in with you guys. Here's a few things from April.
Making: a choice to be positive. Everyday.
Cooking: Sunday breakfast? Well, my mom is.
Drinking: water. Lots of water.
Reading: blog posts. Wanting to read a few self-help/motivation books.
Wishing: I was already graduating college, getting a job & my own place.
Enjoying: getting blog posts planned out & editing videos.
Waiting: for school to start.
Waiting: for school to start.
Loving: my life, myself.
Hoping: to be a better person.
Needing: patience & strength.
Smelling: eggs, buscuits, sausage.
Wearing: pj's & a blanket.
Thinking: of ways to be positive & happy with my life as it is.
Thinking: of ways to be positive & happy with my life as it is.
Hearing: my family moving about the house.
Feeling: pretty zen...or lazy. Whichever.
Admiring: how loudly my mom can yell.
Buying: same. Makeup. Necessities. Etc.
Getting: into a new way of thinking. Constantly. Haha.
Wanting: nothing but the best for me & my loved ones.
Watching: YouTube as per usual.
Eating: too much candy. I have to pimples to prove it.
Deciding: that my life is my own & I only get one to live so I better make it count. I'm in control of my happiness. I'm declaring it!
What's been up with you guys lately?
Thanks for reading,
xo Alysia
What's been up with you guys lately?
Thanks for reading,
xo Alysia
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