Friday, November 28, 2014

Things To Do On a Rainy Day

After a brief period of unexpected rain here in the dry, dusty south (much needed, trust me), I find myself having a tad more insight into how I would choose to spend these disagreeably soggy days. If you're looking for a few alternatives yourself, this should help shed some light.

Clean Your Room
On a rainy day, there’s nothing quite like having a neat and tidy room to take refuge in. So turn on some soft music, light a few candles, organize your closet, dust a bit and do a your laundry. You’ll feel productive and grateful for the fresh, clean atmosphere, even on a lazy day.

Re-Decorate Your Room
Why not? When I have no other plans to look forward to, I love taking the opportunity to spruce up my room with new bits and bobs. Change out your pillows, add a throw, hang new pictures and even reorganize your work space. It’s a rewarding way to spend a rainy morning or afternoon.

See A Movie
An oldie but a goodie. One of my favorite standbys for inclement weather is to simply go see a movie. On your own or with a friend it’s a simple go to way to stay dry and have a good time.

Go Outside And Splash In The Puddles
For those of us who are still children at heart, this is for you, myself included. Throw on your favorite coat, grab an umbrella, pull on some Wellingtons and go outside to have a good splash. Beats being trapped inside every time.

Call Your Mother
Rainy days are great days for conversation. I love to sit on my patio, watching the rain while having a good old catch up with mommy dearest. What better excuse to talk to your mom and get all the family news you’ve been missing out on? Trick question, there isn't one. :d

So, how do you spend your rainy days?

-xo Lyssa

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